Oracle OEM 13c LDAP error

My new OEM 13c system has been having lots of issues, I have multiple bugs registered with oracle. This one is particularly odd, trying to create a new user I get an LDAP error

The user actually does get created, but when I try to assign additional privileges to the user I get the error again, and this time it doesn’t actually add them.

The kicker is, I am not using LDAP, the user is created as an internal user, no single sign on!

I am trying to give a user access to the performance page, so off to emcli!!

I need to find the privileges related to the performance tab. It’s better to copy and paste these since they are case sensitive.

$ emcli get_supported_privileges | grep -i perf
DB_PERFSQL_OPT_ADMIN            Resource         TARGET                        ENTITY_GUID           TARGET_NAME:TARGET_TYPE
PERFORM_OPERATION               Resource         TARGET                        ENTITY_GUID           TARGET_NAME:TARGET_TYPE
DB_PERFORMANCE_HOME_VIEW        Resource         TARGET                        ENTITY_GUID           TARGET_NAME:TARGET_TYPE
DB_PERFORMANCE_ADMIN            Resource         TARGET                        ENTITY_GUID           TARGET_NAME:TARGET_TYPE
DB_PERFSQL_OPT_CONSOLE_VIEW     Resource         TARGET                        ENTITY_GUID           TARGET_NAME:TARGET_TYPE
DB_PERFORMANCE_VIEW             Resource         TARGET                        ENTITY_GUID           TARGET_NAME:TARGET_TYPE
PERFORM_OPERATION_AS_AGENT      Resource         TARGET                        ENTITY_GUID           TARGET_NAME:TARGET_TYPE

I want to give myUser DB_PERFORMANCE_VIEW and DB_PERFORMANCE_HOME_VIEW. I have my databases assigned to groups, so lets do that grant

emcli grant_privs -name="myUser" -privilege="DB_PERFORMANCE_HOME_VIEW;TARGET_NAME=Dev:TARGET_TYPE=group"
emcli grant_privs -name="myUser" -privilege="DB_PERFORMANCE_VIEW;TARGET_NAME=Dev:TARGET_TYPE=group"
emcli modify_group -name="Dev" -privilege_propagation=true

I looped through my dev/test/prod groups

Checking inside OEM, the grants are now in place

I don’t understand what OEM is doing though the web interface that is difference from using emcli. I had another issue deploying plugins using the web interface. I was able to deploy them with emcli. I will have a post on that soon.


Currently I am changing passwords in several hundred databases, not that uncommon of a task for any DBA. Unfortunately it is time to rotate the dbsnmp password. Usually I would log into OEM after changing the password and manually update the password in the monitoring configuration for each and every database. This is fine if there are only a few passwords, but a huge pain when you are dealing with hundreds. The documentation oracle provides isn’t completely clear [1592390.1], at least it wasn’t to me at first.

First I would connect to the database as the sys user and change the password for dbsnmp

alter user dbsnmp identified by MyFancyPassword;

Then you connect to EM through emcli and update the monitoring credentials. For this post lets assume my Oracle RAC cluster has the name “MyRAC” which contains two nodes “MyRAC1” and “MyRAC2”. We don’t really need to know the individual instance names since the dbsnmp user is shared between both nodes.

Connect to the repository

$ emcli login -username=sysman
Enter password :

Login successful
$ emcli sync
Synchronized successfully

Now you can change the password via emcli

emcli set_monitoring_credential -target_type="rac_database" -target_name="MyRAC" -set_name="DBCredsMonitoring" -cred_type="DBCreds" -attributes="DBUserName:dbsnmp;DBPassword:MyFancyPassword;DBRole:Normal"

Where I ran into trouble was the last argument, if you look at the monitoring configuration page for a database, it becomes clear what is being asked for


The role is the same role you would select on the monitoring setup page, Normal or SYSDBA.

The syntax is slightly different if you are doing a single instance, but basically the same idea

emcli set_monitoring_credential -target_type=oracle_database -target_name="ora1" -set_name="DBMonCred" -cred_type="DBCreds" -attributes=”DBUserName:dbsnmp;DBPassword:MyFancyPassword;DBRole:Noraml”

So I am going to modify the change password proceedure to spool out these commands and just run them against OEM when I have completed changing the passwords on the databases.